Learn About Energy

Learn About Nutrients

Where did the information for the Daily Intake Guide and this website come from?

   1. National Health and Medical Research Council, Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand. (Commonwealth of Australia, 2006)

   2. National Health and Medical Research Council, Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults (Commonwealth of Australia, 2003)

   3. Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Australia and New Zealand Food Standard Code (Commonwealth of Australia, 2006)

   4. Food Standards Australia New Zealand Nutrition Panel Calculator (17 November, 2006)


  • Australian Food and Grocery Council

    The Australian Food and Grocery Council is the peak national body for Australia's food, drink and grocery manufacturers.

    Mailing Address:
    Locked Bag 1, Kingston ACT 2604

    Secretariat Office:
    Level 2, 2 - 4 Brisbane Avenue, Barton ACT 2600

    Telephone: +61 2 6273 1466
    Email: afgc [at] afgc.org.au
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